Nick Marr is an author, speaker, digital marketing executive and coach with a passion for inspirational leadership. He started his coaching career as a police officer helping to deliver a change to senior officer leadership styles. He also represented minority police officers in various roles throughout his 20 year career. His move into business saw him as founder of one of the first online estate agencies in the UK. He has worked as Chief Marketing Officer and Vice President of Sales for Digital Marketing organisations.
He once created a social media viral that went global just by using his head...
His innovation in business led to him being featured in the Financial Times and appearances on BBC TV.
To become an effective and successful leader, one must know the importance of delegation and focus on other areas that make a great difference for the success of the project. A delegation of tasks also helps to manage people effectively in a team. Delegation tasks not only frees a person to focus on their imperative…
We all have ups and downs in life and experience some really tough times. How we handle these times is a sure sign of mental strength. Avoiding emotional times and difficult situations will not serve as well and will make you vulnerable to when the tough times come. I remember as a young police officer…
Often mentoring and coaching are used interchangeably. While they may use similar skillsets to allow clients to reach their full potential, they are not quite the same. Mentoring traditionally enables an individual to follow in the path of a more experienced colleague who passes on knowledge and helps to open doors to better opportunities. International…
Public speaking is described as one of the most common phobias around. According to a study, 75% of Americans suffer from anxiety in relation to public speaking, which means that three out of four people would refrain from speaking in public. As a matter of fact, even seasoned veterans may experience speech nervousness. Winston Churchill,…
Passive Aggressive Behaviours It is easy for most people to retaliate indirectly than expressing their disagreements head-on as the latter can lead to confrontation. Expressing aggression or negative feelings is indirectly termed as passive-aggressive behaviour. A great deal of passive aggression arises from a failure to communicate, miscommunication, or an assumption that the other party…
What would you rather be a workaholic or perfectionist this article proves how dangerous to the individual perfectionism can be
Creative Workplace, Creative Employees: How Bosses Can Get the Best Ideas from their Workers It isn’t easy to be competitive and successful in any of today’s cutting-edge professional spheres. Companiesacross the country and the world are working tirelessly to optimize theirproducts, services, and operational styles, and the end result of these effortsis a much greater…
Emotional Intelligent people are more successful, explore the essential elements to help you self reflect on your own level of Emotional Intelligence
Bad bosses are detrimental to our enjoyment at work and to the business’s they work in. They demotivate people and cause businesses to rack up huge costs as people leave or simply don’t give their best. A study by Life Meets Work found that 56% of American workers claim their boss is mildly or highly toxic. A…
What is emcc? The EMCC or European Mentoring and Coaching Council aim to raise standards for the coaching and mentoring profession, not only in the UK but also across Europe. “Our aim is to define, create and promote best practice for all in mentoring and coaching. For professionals in the field we provide a reference…