Nick Marr is an author, speaker, digital marketing executive and coach with a passion for inspirational leadership. He started his coaching career as a police officer helping to deliver a change to senior officer leadership styles. He also represented minority police officers in various roles throughout his 20 year career. His move into business saw him as founder of one of the first online estate agencies in the UK. He has worked as Chief Marketing Officer and Vice President of Sales for Digital Marketing organisations.
He once created a social media viral that went global just by using his head...
His innovation in business led to him being featured in the Financial Times and appearances on BBC TV.
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In 2012 I came across a First World war hero by the name of Walter Tull. I read his life story and found it both inspiring and saddening at the same time. Inspiring owing to his heroic actions and sad that his actions were ignored by the establishment at the time and for me proof that his name along with…
Vestibulum venenatis est tortor, et ultricies ex viverra et. Praesent sapien leo, porttitor quis lorem eget.
I was looking at buying a Drone and found that all my online research led me again and again to the Dji Mavic Pro. Every review stated that this little piece of drone technology was simply the best drone to buy for reliability, ease of use and price. BUT what’s the real truth behind this…
When you start to get a little older you suddenly realise how many cars you have actually driven and owned over the years. One of the best and most exciting for me has got to be what some may term as “an old man’s jag“. Introducing the Jaguar XKR In fact, the model I loved most…
Running an online property business is sometimes all about driving traffic, creating killer products and generating revenue. It’s rare to be able to create a product that will help entrepreneurs and at the same time assist a whole generation in finding their financial feet. This article introduces RentScore a service that provides new powers to…
Ut et ligula vel urna accumsan placerat. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
I have helped run the international homes for sale website for over a decade. One very strong message that we have consistently communicated to both our buyers and sellers is DONT LEAVE CURRENCY TRANSFERS TO CHANCE! So many times we have seen both buyers and sellers of overseas property lose out to fluctuating exchange rates…
Phasellus eget ligula a nulla aliquam luctus. Pellentesque tincidunt massa sodales ante auctor, sed placerat lorem tristique.
For the average consumer, the most common way to interact with the cloud is through storage apps like Google Drive, Dropbox, and iCloud. Many users assume their files stored on the cloud are private because they require a password to log into the associated account. Security does not necessarily equal privacy, however. While files stored…