What is emcc?
The EMCC or European Mentoring and Coaching Council aim to raise standards for the coaching and mentoring profession, not only in the UK but also across Europe.
“Our aim is to define, create and promote best practice for all in mentoring and coaching. For professionals in the field we provide a reference point for key elements like standards and ethics and a continuous conversation about how to keep improving them.”
The EMCC Competence Framework is the result of extensive and collaborative research to identify the core competences of a professional Coach and Mentor
There are eight competence categories across four levels. These eight core areas comprise of:
- Understanding Self
- Commitment to Self-Development
- Managing the Contract
- Building the Relationship
- Enabling Insight and Learning
- Outcome and Action Orientation
- Use of Models and Techniques
- Evaluation]
Coaching Conferences
The EMCC holds different conferences:
- International Mentoring, Coaching, and Supervision Research Conference
- International Annual Mentoring, Coaching, and Supervision Conference
- International Mentoring Conference.
You can view details of all our EMCC conferences and book on-line at www.EMCCconference.org
Why have a coach?
Coaching is a process that aims to improve performance and focuses on the ‘here and now’ rather than on the distant past or future.
While there are many different models of coaching, here we are not considering the ‘coach as expert’ but, instead, the coach as a facilitator of learning.
There is a huge difference between teaching someone and helping them to learn. In coaching, fundamentally, the coach is helping the individual to improve their own performance: in other words, helping them to learn.
Good coaches believe that the individual always has the answer to their own problems but understands that they may need help to find the answer.
For coaching in the
EMCC hold a series of Webinars that may be of interest to budding coaches